Thursday, September 27, 2012

Both Feet

That is what I have jumped into India with.  I was sweetly welcomed at my arrival by purple flowers, a taxi ride full of four-year old snuggles and giggles, and a basket of goodies.  Upon arrival I also found out that our trip to another city the next day would begin at 3:30 the next morning. 

Ok, I can’t sleep anyway. Besides, who needs sleep? Weaklings, that’s who…the next couple of days will be just like college.”

I would write more of my experiences on the train, in rickshaws, eating Masala Dosa, meeting new Indian brothers and sisters, but the day was very surreal.  Yes, everything was completely new and other-worldly seeming.  But also, jet lag is a monster.  That combined with extreme caffeine withdrawal really puts everything in a haze.  I do remember being very happy and excited though. 

Indian perception of Americans

Conversation with an Indian man sitting next to me on the train:

Man-Are you from this country?

Me-No, I’m from America.

Man- Are you with Barak Obama?

Me- Well he is our president.

Man- Oh yes, the First American.

Me-Uh, yes…sure.

Man- Is there only one occupation in America?

Me- No, we have many occupations.  Doctors, lawyers, engineers…

Man- Where do you get food?

Me- We grow it.  Or we import it….

*This man’s thoughts do not represent the opinions of the entire Indian population.


Needless to say it is very nice to be on the up and up after the jet lag.  Also, I have managed to avoid Delhi Belly…which, if you know me, is quite an accomplishment.



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